Chili Pot Pie
One 10", deep dish pie crust, top & bottom.
4 cups RichZ's No Compromise...No Apology...No Excuse Chili
2 fresh bell peppers
2 medium potatoes
1 large carrot
1/4 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup yellow cornmeal
2 oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp Tones Dark Chili Powder
Preheat oven to 425°
Clean peppers & cut peppers, potatos & carrot into 1/2" chunks.
Peel potatoes and cut into 1" or smaller chunks
Put cut vegetables into baking vessel with 1 tbsp olive oil and put in oven. Roast for 45 minutes.
While vegetables are roasting, heat chili in open saucepan to allow evaporation, adding cornmeal as needed to stiffen it.
After 45 minutes, turn oven down to 325° and remove roast vegies. Mix with Chili. Add cheese. You should have a cup or two left over, to eat while the pie is baking.
Prepare pie crust in deep pie pan or dish. Load in the chili and vegetable mixture, and crimp on the top of the pie crust.
Mix the Chili powder with the other tbsp of olive oil, and brush liberally on top of pie, then bake until crust is golden brown and flaky.
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