RichZ's Chili Pierogi
- 1 batch Pierogi Dough (see below)
- 1 quart RichZ's No Compromise, No Excuse, No Apology, No BEAN Chili
- 1 medium oinion, diced
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- Roll dough to 1/16 inch thickness.
- Cut out 3 to 4 inch circles and place a teaspoon or so of chili in center of each circle.
- Wet edge on half of dough circle, fold over and press edges together with an empenada press, or, if you're culinary-hardware-challenged like me, use a fork.
- Eat remaining Chili.
- Boil Pierogis for 3 minutes, then dunk in ice water and layer with onions sauteed in butter.
They say these can be frozen for up to 6 months. HAH! There are NEVER any left over to freeze. They also suggest sauteing (that's pan frying for us regular folk) them to reheat. Reheat? Reheat what? They're all gone the first time around.
- Mix dough scraps 50-50 with fresh dough to avoid over-drying.
- Do not handle dough too much - throw away when it feels dry.
Pierogi Dough
- 3/4 cup regular flour
- 1/4 ccup pasta flour
- 1 egg
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 Tablespoon olive oil
- 2-3 Tablespoons water, as needed
Process all ingredients in food processor, adding water as needed. Keep under a damp cloth while making additional dough or rolling dough. Make only one batch at a time.
Thanks to Helene Zaleski and Robin Almond for the family pierogi dough recipe.
© 2000 RZ-Freelance!
All material on this page is copyrighted. It is provided here solely for the personal use of the reader, it may reproduced, reprinted for personal use, but not for redistribution or inclusion in any compilation of recipes or similar publication on any media without the express consent of the author.